Last night I found out I have been published in a book! The book is an anthology of English writings from Bangladeshi writers. It is called "The Daily Star book of Bangladeshi Writing."I am in page 128. Now, it's not like I have never been published before- I have been published in newspapers and weekend suppliments, and university journals. In fact some of writings (i.e. newspaper cutouts) are so old that they have started to yellow around the edges. But this time it is in an actual book! My new story is called "Scent of Home". The above is a picture of the cover of the book.
This one is the best to date. I mean seeing my name in print is a big thrill for me. Some people have bunjee-jumping, some people have rock climbing; I have my writings. In retrospect, the act of writing comes full circle after publishing. As a writer, I can then re-live the various stages that I had gone through during the writing process. Staring from the birth of an idea, building a framework, setting, naming character, preparing dialogues,- every word has been thought of and put to paper by me. This thought itself is tremendous satisfaction for a writer; the very core of celebrating creativity. It is the ultimate form of self-preservation.
My previous story "Thoughts on a rainy day" that was published in the Star Weekend Magazine on August 7,2005 can be accessed through the link below: