Thursday, November 10, 2005


Isn't it ironic how in life you get things that you had marginally wished for and not the things that you pray day and night for? And oh yes, believe it, it's true: Be careful what you wish for, because it might just come true. And no matter how carefully you make your wish, there will be always be loopholes. And then when finally the wish comes true, you get tangled in the loophole and wished you hadn't wished at all!
And then there are those times when you are at crossroads: a junction of alternative life paths.
You are not always sure about which path to take. Worse yet you dont know which path you should take. I mean there are these options in front of you, and each will have significant consequences in your later life, but you just can't figure out which will be the most beneficial or trouble-free. Life's like BlackJack- you can't get too greedy because you might just find yourself outside the game.
The roads in front of you are unsure, lucrative as they may be, but risky as well. Should you follow your heart or brain? Are they separate? Do your instincts guide you ? or your logic? It is so complicated- so most of the time , most of us decide to put it off. Being the innately optimistic that we are we hope if we just wait for long enough the solution will appear by itself. Destiny will guide itself.
As much as I would like do that, there are these other times when you just HAVE to make a decision. It's all upto you: make or break. And you are either hopeless or helpless. You dont want to hurt anyone and you certainly dont want to heart yourself. It's the most intriguing choice. And you may get lost in the complex calculations whose result is the life that lies ahead.
PS: Am i fundamentally incapable of writing in the third person?
Reminder: Must write the piece "All the houses we lived in"

1 comment:

Div said...

This... is a great blog, i don't see why there are no comments. And... this is a very nice n true post. Especially the parts u were talking abt the brain and the heart...and being hopeless or helpless... i think being helpless is the worst feeling. Nice blog, we even have the same template...!