Friday, April 07, 2006

This is the second poem of mine that was published in English Matters. I realise I should have posted both the poems of English Matters in one post and the one from the reading in another, but the universe works in mysterious ways. Translation : I am Lazy. So here it is:

Hope Journey
Farah Tasneem Tracy

Rising from the ashes of despair
Gathering its strength from memory
The journey of Hope begins.
Taking the shape of a shadow
Dwelling in the torments of the past
But, steadying itself with a vision of future
The journey of hope begins.
Cradled in the missed bliss of Yesterday and
Heading for a Tomorrow
The journey of hope begins.
Amidst a pot-pourri of loss and solitude,
Embracing the invisible traces of joy, the journey of hope begins.
It floats up to sky, mingling in the clouds,
And radiates a heady feeling.
When it matures, it pours down in the form of good fortune.
One hope journey is completed. A new one begins.


Div said...

The candle of hope...that burns depsite the winds.
I dont know how old you are, but i have a feeling that poems one can relate to are those usually written by people from the same age group...Nice one!

Medhavi said...

Ever heard of Self-surpassing? Well..with each poem of yrs..u do exactly that!

I gez Hope's like a Phoenix..

Tracy said...

Thanx Divs...I guess we r the same age group. Funny how hope can be elusive and yet so coveted. In some dark, long-forgotten corner of our hearts, Hope resides unaltered, unfailing amidst the hardest of biting realities.

Tracy said...

Medhavi thank you so much for your kind words. It's just I feel the words of a poem coming from the depths of my heart and soul: I hardly have any conscious control over them.

Rose DesRochers said...

Tracy, thank you for visiting my blog. If you're over 18, you should consider sharing your poetry at