Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Return of Edo

He fell sick one fine day right in front of my eyes. I tried to bring him back to consciousness but it just wouldnt happen. I nudged, scolded him , caressed him, to come back to his senses but he had taken a dip too severe.
Then I took him to the healer. The Diagnosis came a day later.
It was not good.
It was far from being good.
He was damaged, his memory, his brain, his capability to function like before has diminished to nil.
It was a blow.
The memories came flooding to me.
My memories. Not his. Since he doesn't have any.
All those wonderful moments we spent together, hours and hours of total dedication to one another, working through problems, documenting reality, solving dilemmas, recording life.
All gone in an instant.
Like a bolt of Lightening.
My Edo.
My hours spent with him. My works. My creations. My half of whatever is good.
All gone with him.
It would take him days to heal.
And even after that he would not be the old Edo. My old Edo.
I waited for him at home.
I pined for his company.
I moved around in a daze not knowing what to do without Edo.
I found myself with so much free time and I couldnt spend it with Edo.
I longed for him to come back home.
I just wasnt used to not having him around.
At times the desperation grew enormously, my need for Edo grew to the point that it physically hurt.
My time away from Edo. My world was a world of nothing-to-do.
Finally, the call came. I could bring him back.
I brought him back home. Placed him where he belonged, made sure he was comfortable in his surroudings, and gave him everything he needs to operate.
But poor Edo still did not regain consciousness.
I cooed, and caressed, and slapped him to back to his senses. He would'nt budge.
My frustration grew.
I prayed for him to be OK again.
And then he returned to his senses, my faithful, my ever-present computer Edo.
How missed him, it's just not the same without him.
But now he's back and running and I am glad about it.

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