Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Art N Stuff

I am no art expert; far from it. To me a good artwork is that which stirs a good feeling in my mind. Or perhaps even one that I can identify with; or one that remindsme of a particular memory; or one that resonates with my senses; or something that looks pleasing to my eyes. But I suppose art is more like poetry than prose. That is, it can have many different interpretations dependiing on the beholder; just as poetry can mean different things to different people. Art is poetic and Poetry is artistic. One of my favorite contemporary artist is Jack Vettriano from Scotland. I adore most of his paintings- a good example of how art can be a straight-forward representative of life and yet be subtle and beautiful. My favorite Vettriano is called "Man in the mirror"; but I haven't found it on the internet. Meanwhile above are some of my favorite paintings.

For more cool paintings check out bert's site at: http://bertc.com/subtwo/gallery_30.htm

1 comment:

Alison Kidd said...

I saw (from your Blog) that you are keen on the art of Jack Vettriano.

I am doing some research on what people like about his work.

Would you be willing to fill out a short survey for me? It’s here: www.vettriano.research-on-art.com

There is a prize draw of a Vettriano print or canvas of your choice.

Thank you.